Installing Ansible Automaton Platform on AWS part 3 – Load Balancers

Part 3 of our Ansible Automation Platform is going to continue with configuring our load balancers. Personally, I like to configuring my target groups first. It seems to go smoother for me that way.

Browse on over to the EC2\Compute menu and create your target groups. I know we haven’t created any EC2 instances yet and you could go a head and do that but I’m saving that part for creating EC2 and some OS changes I had to make.

I set mine up like this, make any adjustments for your security standards.

Target type: Instances

  • Target group name: follow naming conventions but make it make sense.
  • Protocol: HTTPS/443
  • Protocol version: HTTP1, I had issues using HTTP2 but it honestly needs more testing on my end.
  • Health Check:
  • For Controller the defaults Protocol: HTTPS, Path: /, Success codes: 200 is fine and works great
  • For Automation Hub, you need to change it. Change Path to be /ui and Success codes to 200,301-302 once you have Automation Hub setup that should bring in healthy nodes. This is the only way I’ve gotten my nodes to stay healthy.

That’s all you have to do to set up the Target Groups now lets circle back to the load balancers.

Create your Application Load Balancer, make sure to select the security group you created back in step one. Set up listeners as needed. You could combine Automation Hub and Controller into on load balancer but I’ve found its easier to keep them separated.

Add your SSL cert and create your load balancer, that all there is to it!

Installing AAPv2 on AWS – Part 1 – Security Groups 

Installing AAPv2 on AWS – Part 2 – Databases

Installing AAPv2 on AWS – Part 3 – Load Balancers <- you are here

Installing AAPv2 on AWS – Part 4 – EC2


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